List of Tamil words in Yupik language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Yupik language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Yupik languages are the distinct languages of the several Yupik peoples of western and south-central Alaska and north-eastern Siberia. The Yupik languages differ enough from one another that they are not mutually intelligible, although speakers of one of the languages may understand the general idea of a conversation of speakers of another of the languages. One of them, Sirenik, has been extinct since 1997.
The Yupik languages are in the family of Eskimo–Aleut languages. The Aleut and Eskimo languages diverged around 2000 BC (contemporaneous with the split of Indo-Iranian); within the Eskimo classification, the Yupik languages diverged from each other and from the Inuit language around 1000 AD.

Clues to read Yupik Words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively it has to be read only once.
Ref; Yupik Eskimo Dictionary – compiled by Steven A. Jacobson
English – Yupik – Tamil
* work- cali- uzhai
*2. working- caliuq- uzhaikka pekte- kattu
4.weave- neqte- neithiduka; letters are jumbled.
*5. thread- eglu- kaazh
*6. wash/ hair- qulite - kazhuvidu / to wash
*7. testicle- iguuk- kaai
8.stir- akute- kinduka
9.stir- ingulate- kinnduthal ; letters are jumbled.
10.stink- narniite- naarida
*11. smell- nare- naara
*12. smoke- puyuq- pukai
13.snow- aniu- pani
14.small- cakte- kutti
15.sing- atuq- paaduka
*16. silent- emaite- amaithi
17.shout- qatpag- kaththuka
*18. shut- patu- poottu
*19. sexual intercourse- uyug- oaakka
*20. sexual intercourse- taqik- yaeththuka ; oaaththiduka.
*21. scold- yitaar- thittuthar ; yaesuthar
*22. rotten- qutak- kaedu adaika roar- uirre- uruma
*24. rise- ule- ezhu
25.roam around- tarrarte- thirinthiduthar ; letters are jumbled.
26.become ripe- piqainaurte- kaninthiduthar; letters are jumbled.
*27. request something- kaiga- kaekka
* protective- kuygu- kakka
*29. repair- icarqe- seer aakku /to repair
*30. pierce- putu- poththidu; yaeththidu .
* old- akallau- kizham/ old ; kaalam aana .
32.become old- akallaurte- kizhavar aayida ; ka= va; va= ka; kizhavar- old men; aayida- to become.
33.number- naaqin- enn kanakku ; enn- numerical number; kanakku- calculation.
*34. move- petar- poathar
*35. move- pekte- poakida
36.mix- akute- koottu
37.mix- angulate- kalanthidu ; letters are jumbled.
38. menses/ first- ugayite-kanni aayida / to become a woman; kanni- virgin ;aayida- to become .
39. marry- uinge- manakka kenka- kanivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
41. love/ come to- kenegyagute- kanivu kaatta ; kanivu- love; kattu- show. nuna- munn luna- nilam ; letters are in reversed order .
44.inform- apertuute- theiriya paduththu; letters are jumbled.
45.guard- kellute- kaaval kaaththidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
46.grandfather- apa- appoopan ; appanin appan/ father’s father; appan- father.
*47. grandmother- emaassa- ammaachchi
*48. go- upete- poaidu
*49. gathered- katur- kooduthar
* gathered together- katungqa- koodunnkka gentle- mianike- menmaiyaaka
52.firewood- muragte- mara kattai / wood ; maram- tree;kattai- wood.
*53.empty /completely- kalug- kaaliaakku ; kaali- empty ; muzhukka kaali ; letters are jumbled; muzhukka- completely .
*54.empty/ completely - kalugte-kaaliaakkidu /to empty
55.encounter- narug- naerukku naeraa
*56.east- keluvaq- kizhakku dream – qavangurtur- - kanavu kaanuthar ; letters are jumbled; kanavu- dream; kaanuthar- seeing .
*58.don- ate- uduththu
58.create- piurte- padaiththar; letters are jumbled. connected- ata- inaiththidu /to connect aklu- kaazhakam / cloth ; maekalai .
*61.catch- pitaqe- pidikka
* for- qaunqe- kavanikka
*63.cry with emotion- iluteqa- azhuthiduka
*64.cluster- kisstaq- koththu koththaaka / in bunches; koththu- bunch
*65.spear –ikhut- kuththu
66.water- ttanag- kudi thanni /drinking water; letters are jumbled; kudi- to drink; thanni- water.
67.again- amta- meendum
68. to finish- taqe- mudikka
69. to lie- iqlu- kallam/ lie
* leave- ayag- yaeku
71. small- karaq- noaiyya kooru
72. cold- kumla- kuzhumai; letters are jumbled.
73. to kill- tuqute- madakkidu
*74. to wear- atur- uduththuthar
75.sing- atur- paaduthar
*76. to capture- pite- pidi
*77. to write- igar- keeru
*78.write- igarauq- keeruka speak in a language that cannot be understand- yuriate- uraiththidu /speak
*80.for there to be sounds- yulkia- oli kaekka; oli- sound; kaekka- to hear.
81.for there to be no sounds- yulkiite- oli kidaiyaathu ;oli kaetkaathu ; kidaiyathu- without; kaetkathu- not hearing.
* commit murder- yugte- kaathu
* be distant- uyatu- etta
* is distant- uyatuuq- ettakka
* be near- uyakite- kitta; kittakka .
* burn- uute- thee idu ;thee- fire. wait- utaqa- kaaththidu ; letters are in reversed order; thankka .
*88.attached/connected- usgute- kattu /connect
* erode- usserqe- arikka
* add to – usgu- saekka
* melt- urug- uruka
* distribute gifts- uqite- kodai kodukka; kodai- gift; kodukka- to give. give one’s belongings- ugayite- kodu /to give
94. cotton- uataq- kottai; letters are in reversed order.
95. load- uci- sumai
* choke- tuvte adaiththida land on- tute- adaiya ;adainthida . step on- tute- mithiththida die- tugu- madika ; seththiduka .
* give away- tuntur- thanthiduthar give- tune-thanthidu give - tapir- thara pass/ give- taite- thanthidu bring- taite- attu
*105.track- tuma-thadam
106.rectum- teq- kutham; letters are in reversed order.
107.body- tema- udampu
108.something taken/ adopted child- teguaq- thaththu edukka/ to adopt
109. to provide with food for a journey- ta quite- theeni kodu ;theene- food; kodu- to give.
110.penis- taqik- pudukku change one’s mind /thought- taqi- ennaththai maaththuka ;ennam- thoughts; maaththuka- to change.
* take- tegu – edukka shake- ungaulugte- kulunkkida ; letters are jumbled.
114.fog- umta – moodu pani
115. high tide- ula- alai /wave
* cut up- ukili- kizhi make a hole- ukite- oaattai iduka; letters are jumbled; oaattai- hole.
* dance / one’s first dance- uigtur- kooththaaduthar / dancing fold- tapte- madiththu poadu check- taku- aainthiduka lack self-restraint- takaite- thaun adakkam kidaiyaathu ;thaun- self; adakkam- restraint ; kidaiyaathu- without.
122.respectful -takaqe- mathikka thakka
* drink alcohol- tanngatu- thanni kudikka ; thanni- drink; kudikka- to drink .
*124.short stature- sugkite- kuttai gather together- quyurte- kooduthar ; letters are jumbled.
*126.cough- quyeq- kakka
* bark/ dog- qilug- kulaikka
* bark- qilua- kulai
* neglect- qevte- kai vida
* be angry- qevte- kovam adaiya ; koavaththoadu . hug- qete- katti anai
*132.spirit- qela- kooli
* protect/ take care of it - qaunqe- kavanikka ; kann kanikka. shout out- qatpag- kaththuka shout out- qatpautaa- kaththidu ; koopaadu poadu ;letters are jumbled.
* sting- qatil- koththuthal /snake; kadiththal/ insect speak harshly- qatekcugte- kadumaiyaaka kathaikka ; kadumai- harsh ;kathaikka- to speak. finish- qaqite- kedi/ finished discuss- qallate- kalanthidu talk- qallate - kathaiththal; letters are jumbled.
* speak Inupiaq- qagte- kathaiththidu / speak
*142.speaking- qatek- kathaikka
*143.speaking- qarte- kooridu /speak/ say /tell
144. to boil -qallate- kothiththal ;letters are jumbled. churn- qallat- kadaithal; letters are jumbled. swell up- puvute- pudaiththida make a hole- pute- oaattai poadu; oaattai- hole; poadu- make. bury- pulate- puthaiththal; letters are jumbled.
149. to insert- pulate- nuzhaiththidu
*150. to shoot with arrows- pitgaqu- ampai yeithiduka ; ampu- arrow; yeithiduka- to shoot. be equal- pitateke- oththathaaka receive/ some gifts- pitar- peruthar ; letters are jumbled.
* reach /a certain time /amount- pitari- adaithar
* cut / slit- pilag- pilakka
155.famine- piitnaq- pattiniyaaka/ starvation
156.say- pi- pannu pi- pannu
*158.flake of dandruff- petgeq- poduku/ dandruff
159.area behind- peruq- poruku / behind drop- pegte- kottu
161.powder- pautaq- podikka / podi aakku - to pound into powder slap- pateg- adikka; thattuka.
* meet- parte- paaarththidu
*164.daughter- panik- ponnuka/ daugters/ girls
* go out and meet- pairrsaag- -paarkka wet with one’s tongue- nuagte- nakkidu /to lick
* remember- neqake- ninaikka feel the cold- nenglliur- kulirai unara; letters are jumbled; kulir- cold; unara- to feel.
169. to be cold- nengllir- kuliraana ; letters are jumbled.
*170. to stand- nekva- nikka fasten- naqyute- nanku kattu fasten well ; kattu- fasten .
* count- naaqe- ennuka
*173. nipple- muulek- mulai kaampu ;mulai- breast ;kampu- nipple ; mulai-k- kann – areola .
174.not to be abundant- mikuite ; mikuthi kidaiyaathu ; mikuthi- excess; kidaiyaathu- without. be thick- mamtu - moththama speak the Nunivak dialect- kuarte- kooridu /tell
* pass /go past- kitur- kadaththar ;kadanthiduthar .
178. men’s home- kiyya- akam / home go blind- kiar cui rute- kurudu aayida ; kurudu- blind; aayida- to become.
*180. to cut into strips- kelve- kizhi /cut
* skip- katag- kuthikka; kenthu .
*182. to drop- katag- kottuka
183. to go down- kalve- keezhae poa; keezhae- down; poa- go.
184. to lower it down- kalvag- keezhae vaika / keezhae- down ;vaikka- to keep ; keezhaakkuu /to lower down . lower it down- kalevte- keezhae vaithidu ; keezhae- lower/ down; vaiththidu- to keep ;keezhaeakkidu / to lower down
*186. to become incapable of doing something- kalivyagute – kai yaal akaatha
187. ship- kalampiaq- kalavam ; ka- va; va= ka.
* ask for- kaigatke- kaetka; kaettiduka
*189.listen- kaaka- kaekka
* be hungry- kaag - kaaika ; kaaya .
* be sweet- ituk- thithippaaka put things in- iterci- iduthar / put
193.leg- iruq- kaar; letters are in reversed order.
* go out of sight- ipte- poaeidu
195.mountain- ingri- kari ; karini ; kurinji ; letters are jumbled. become very old and disabled- inglite- kizhavanaayida; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; kizhavan- old man; aayida- to become fall down- ilve- vizha/ to fall; letters are in reversed order.
* be deep- ilutu- aazham udaiya ; aazham- depth; udaiya- has.
199.truly- ilumun- unmaiyil ; letters are in reversed order. be sorrowful- ilulliqe- kavalaiyaaka ; kavalai kolla ; kavalai- worry ;kolla- to have; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka. be sorrowful- ilullugte- kavalai yoadu ; kavalai kondu ;letters are jumbled; kavalai- worry . be shallow- ilukite- aazham kidaiyaathu ;aazham- depth; kidaiyaathu -without.
*203. interior/ inner – ilu – ullae find- ikug- kaanuka be bent over forward- ikignga- kunika bent over forward- ikgte- kuninthiduka
* help out- ikayuute- kai kodu/ kai- hand; kogu- give.
* hide- iir- marai
209.eye- inngaq- kann; letters are in reversed order.
210.eye- iik- kann
* wipe one’s anal area- etruir- thudaiththar /wiping
* be clean- essuite- suththam / clean be high- ertu- uyar idam pluck- eritar- pariththar
* get in- eke- yaeku chip ivory- egturte - thanthaththai koththuthar ;thantham- ivory; koththu- carve ; letters are jumbled.
* throw- egte- kottu; kidaasu . pot- egan- kinni/ bowl
219.cook by boiling- ega- vaeka vaikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
* whine- cungite- sinunkkidu
221.quickly- cukamek- vaekamaaka ; ka= va; va= ka. get a sudden sharp pain- cugite- kuththu / pain pour out- ciqite- kottu dump- ciqite- kuviththidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
* give- ci kiuteke- kodukka cause to be fast- cukate- kada kada nnu smash- ciite- idi crack- ciite- udaiya ; oaattai aayida. chip- caqte- sethukku ; letters are jumbled. tear- caqirte- keeridu chop- cakite- koththu
* separate- avte- vidu ; vetti vidu .
* divorce- avvute- vetti vidu
* share with- avgute- vakuththidu
236. to divide in two- aveg -vaku /divide gather- aur- saeru
* crawl- aurar- uoora
*239.crawl- aurruq- uooruka
*240.down /below- at -adi
241. father- ata- thathai ;thanthai .
242. to Eskimo dance- assigte- kooththaadu/ to dance
243.. moisture- arilla- eeram ulla
* mash- arite- araiththidu
245.male- angun- an makan ; an- male; makan- son .
246.old man- angulluaq – kizhavaanaka /to become a old man ; letters are jumbled; kizhavan- old man ; aka- to become ; ka= va; va= ka.
247.tear drop- aluvik- azhuvuka / weep weep- aluviliur- azhuvuthar / weep tear- alleg- kizhikka ; letters are in reversed order. come up on- alake- yezhuka
251.hand- aiggaq- kai
* dance Eskimo style vigorously- aggigte – kooththaadu
* dance Eskimo style vigorously- aggigtuq-kooththaaduka gape open- aatarte- thiranthida
*255.mother- ana- annai
* breast feed- amarte- maarai thaa; maaru- chest/ breast- thaa- give.
* feel confused- aakulagte- kuzhappam kondida ; kuzhappam- confusion ; kondida- to have.
* wed- kussit – kattu
*259.wear- atug- uduththka
260. to be cold- kumlate- kuzhumai udaiya ; letters are jumbled; kuzhumai- cold; udaiya- has.
* be angry- eqeve- koavam
* be quiet- emaite- amaithi